Well I think I may need anger management today.
Jackson my 11 year old is in the pre advanced placement classes at school this year. He's a smart kid, not to much gets by him. He makes really good grades when he applies himself but he's getting to the age where I have to push him to do his homework. You know how it is.
Well his science class is studying the weather and all that it entails. There are 6 kids per group and they are graded as a group. That is my first problem!! Even though this is an AP course some of the kids aren't "AP material". I'm not saying they aren't smart just maybe not quite ready for the independent study this class requires.
The rules plainly state that you may NOT use the teachers board to write on you must bring your own. The girl who did the forecast on Monday didn't bring her board. Is this the childs fault or the parents? The child who went on Tuesday did slightly better at least he did a forecast board.
Just because these children didn't follow instructions my child will be penalized. I understand the kids needing to learn how to work as a group but ultimately they should be graded on their individual days work.
So today is Jacksons day! Last night we did his forecast board and he was all ready.
We had talked to our wonderful neighbor Michele Zakeri who works at Fox 6 about getting one of the meteorologist to come and talk to the class after Jackson finished is presentation. We found out yesterday that this was definitely going to happen. We were so excited Jackson even did the little "I'm gonna get extra credit dance". We went and bought a thank you card for the class to sign for Mr. Washington and I was so proud of Jackson and so appreciative of Michele for setting all of this up.
This is my MAJOR problem
Well.... This morning Jackson gets to school a little early to get "set up" and he tells his teacher whom I will not name (Mr. Lee) about the surprise speaker and Mr. Lee says it's not really a good day. IT'S NOT REALLY A GOOD DAY!!! Has this man lost his mind? He teaches AP science and AP history. Every other day is science. Today just happened to be history day. They had a test on the cold war. Mr. Lee said that one student, whom I really wont name, wouldn't be done so it's not a good day. Why couldn't he stay in the classroom with the student and let me take the rest of the class out to see the Fox 6 STORM TRACKER HUMMER. How many times does is happen that your studying weather and you have a real live weather professional that can come speak to your class. McAdory gets such a bad rap. Every little bad thing that ever happens is publicized and this was something positive.
Mind you now i'm supposed to meeet Dennis Washington outside the school at 8:25 and Jackson called me about this at 7:53. He was crying a little. I could tell. He wont admitt it but he was.
When we get off of the phone I go into a blind rage. I was ranting about what an idiot this teacher has to be and my feelings were so hurt for Jackson.
I immediately call Michele to see if by chance she has Mr. Washingtons cell phone number. She goes to work on her phone and after much crap i'm sure, reaches him when he was about half way here. She told him the dilemma and he understood. Thankfully.
Now i'm so mad i'm shaking, I just want to go down to that classroom and give him a huge piece of my mind. I want to go to the board of education. I want to go to the PTA, I want to go to who ever will listen to me rant.
What better opportunity to show the children that we adults care about their education and at the same time let educating them be fun.
I understand the need for structure and lesson plans but couldn't Me. Lee have put the test off until tomorrow. If the kids knew the work today they would have known it tomorrow.
One of my favorite sayings is "ignorance is more expensive than education".
In this case the teachers ignorance cost my child maybe just a little bit of education.
Thank You for letting me get on my soap box!!!!
xoxoxo E