Well since I blogged about everyone else today I thought I should mention our other child. The one of the feline persuasion. His name is Cheech and he LOVES his daddy.
When Wayne comes home from work Cheech is sitting at the door waiting like a dog. He stays right under his feet until Wayne speaks to him and pats him on the head.
This cat loves my husband so much that when Wayne isn't here the cat will sleep in his chair at his desk. When we go to bed at night he puts his back to Wayne and his feet on me and pushes until there is no way we could touch. To make myself feel better about this I say he like to "make his biscuits" on me cause i'm softer.
Sometimes I wonder if the cat realizes i'm the one who feeds him, waters him, and cleans that glorious litter box.
Cheech does tricks like a dog. He will lay down,talk, and roll over. Most of the time he only does it for Wayne but he has been known to lay down for our great neighbor Aaron. Granted Aaron had a traeat in his hand but he did do the trick.
Cheech is a Maine Coon and he is a very big boy. He has lost a little bit of weight but he is currently somewhere aroung 22-24 pounds. He was hovering around 30 pounds.
Sometimes Wayne calls him fat boy and usually the result is he will nibble on me with his very sharp teeth!!!! Maybe he's telling me to quit feeding him so much. Could this be?
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