Sunday, August 2, 2009


So this is Sarah Caroline and my cousins little girl Christina. I don't know how Christina gets so dark but she looks totally native during the summer.

Sarah Caroline on the other is about as fair skinned as you can get. She actually has a great tan she's just so pale you can't tell. She loves to show her tan line on her waist and say see I do have a tan.

One day on the beach my Aunt Bobbie said " look at them, that's salt and peppa" so for the rest of the week that's what we called the girls.

By the end of the week Sarah Caroline was asking if we could call her "seasoned salt" because she really had a good tan. It didn't work....just didn't sound right.

I will post more from the beach trip a little later.....

See ya, E

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I'm torn between going to the beach and staying home to wait on Mr. Walker Monroe Zakeri.

I haven't been to the beach for more than one night is several years. I love, love, love the beach. I've been waiting on Walker for nine long months and I love, love, love him and his mom and dad.

I have this feeling that if I do go to the beach my little puddin is going to get here while I'm gone.

All of my family is going to the beach July 25 until August 1. They go every year and always have the best time.

I've got a couple of feelers out on a room at the resort where they will be staying so we will see.

Michele and I went for a walk the other night and I was talking to her about it and I told her if I go and she has Walker while I'm gone I don't want to know anything about it. Of course I quickly retracted that statement and told her I wanted updates every 30 minutes.

Well I will let the blogosphere know my decision as soon as I know what it is.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


How could you not say OK to the pool when this is what's asking?


It was so hot for a while even the dogs next door need a break from the heat.

Can you tell they love their pool?

Friday, May 1, 2009


WOW!!! It's about the only word that can describe how honored I feel to have been asked to attend the ultrasound of the greatest friends ever.

Yesterday I went to Virginia College with Michele and Aaron for a FREE ultrasound.

I really can't tell you what an honor it was to witness such an intimate and personal moment. Granted they have met Baby Zakeri via ultrasound a couple of times before but its still pretty intimate.

During both of my pregnancys I always loved hearing the heart beat. Hearing it just makes the whole thing real or more real if that's possible.

I can cry at the drop of a hat, sad movies, Maxwell House Coffee, and Hallmark commercials. I warned Michele that I would cry when I heard the heart beat and what do ya know, I did, I tried to hide it but I don't think it worked.

The girl doing the ultrasound took so long that Michele almost passed out from being on her back for almost 30 minutes. I guess what they say about the weight of the baby on the inferior vena cava is true. After some (a lot) of sweating, some gagging, a glass of water and some petting from sweet Aaron she was fine in a jiffy.

I was a nurse for 13 years. It takes a lot to make me nervous unless its someone I know and love. In other words if it's my kids, I freak out. My husband, I freak out. One of my closest friends, you guessed it, I freak out. I almost went into FULL panic mode, I DID NOT LIKE THIS. Thank goodness she felt better quickly!!!

I am so ready for that little man to finish cooking so he can come out and meet all of us. We are so excited.

I will seriously have to hold myself back. I MAY JUST EAT HIM UP!!!!

Thank You Michele and Aaron for making my day!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Well since I blogged about everyone else today I thought I should mention our other child. The one of the feline persuasion. His name is Cheech and he LOVES his daddy.

When Wayne comes home from work Cheech is sitting at the door waiting like a dog. He stays right under his feet until Wayne speaks to him and pats him on the head.

This cat loves my husband so much that when Wayne isn't here the cat will sleep in his chair at his desk. When we go to bed at night he puts his back to Wayne and his feet on me and pushes until there is no way we could touch. To make myself feel better about this I say he like to "make his biscuits" on me cause i'm softer.

Sometimes I wonder if the cat realizes i'm the one who feeds him, waters him, and cleans that glorious litter box.

Cheech does tricks like a dog. He will lay down,talk, and roll over. Most of the time he only does it for Wayne but he has been known to lay down for our great neighbor Aaron. Granted Aaron had a traeat in his hand but he did do the trick.

Cheech is a Maine Coon and he is a very big boy. He has lost a little bit of weight but he is currently somewhere aroung 22-24 pounds. He was hovering around 30 pounds.

Sometimes Wayne calls him fat boy and usually the result is he will nibble on me with his very sharp teeth!!!! Maybe he's telling me to quit feeding him so much. Could this be?


This is what I got the week after the sleep over when I told Sarah Caroline to clean her room.
Maybe I should start telling her to clean her room every night at bedtime. Do you think it would make her go to sleep on time without argument. Nah to easy!!!