One might ask what I was thinking, if I had lost my mind, did I hit my head, or was I dropped on my head as an infant. The answer would be yes to all of the above!!!!!
On April 10th Jackson had his sleep over so on April 17th it was Sarah Carolines turn.
When I ask her who she was going to ask she started rattling off names like crazy. I had to put the brakes on and tell her that she could invited three friends. It always works better with an even number of kids. Sarah Caroline has on orange, Belle has on blue, McKinley has on black & white and Josie Mae has on white.
McKinley came home from school with us and the giggling started as soon as they got into the car!!! Soon after we got home Belle got here and it got a little louder, I actually had to call them out on the stomping upstairs because my kitchen windows were rattling. When Josie Mae got here at around 5:30 the girls went slap crazy. I haven't seen so much hugging in all my life, you would have thought they hadn't seen each other in years. They had just left each other two hours earlier.
I bought a chick-fil-a nugget tray for dinner and the girls ate until they were about to pop.
They played outside, inside, all up & down the sidewalk. When it started to get dark I told the girls we were gonna have to go inside soon because it was cooling off drastically. I was freezing!!
We were cleaning up all of the bikes posters and markers at this point it was about 8:15. Josie Mae said "is it almost time for us to take a nap"? I just laughed and told her that it was almost time for a bedtime nap. When we walked inside she went running up the stairs yelling that she was gonna brush her teeth first. She was very ready for bed (so was I).
They had a pillow fight and almost beat me to death. Josie Mae literally rang my bell, I saw spots and stars. I got on the bed in a fetal position with my head covered with my arms and McKinley yelled "DOG PILE"!!! All four of them piled on top of me and about squished my guts out.
The festivities continued until around midnight when I went to the bedroom door and told them for the 500th time to settle down. There was so much junk in the floor that I couldn't get the door open enough to see in. I told them that McKinley and Josie Mae were tired and they needed to calm down. They started laughing and said McKinley was already asleep. Sure enough when I got into the room enough to see, that sweet girl was curled up on the bed sound asleep with three other girls jumping on that same bed. I guess when you have two sisters you learn to sleep through anything.
That was the last time I heard from them until 7:15am when I was so rudely awakened by my child smacking me in the stomach a pillow. When I got my eyes open there were four blond children with pillows ready to have another fight.
They had pancakes for breakfast and were outside by 8:30. I was constantly telling them to ssshhhh it's early please don't wake up the neighbors.
Do you have any idea how incredibly LOUD four 7 year old girls are?
By 11:45 everyone was gone. My house was so quiet it almost scared me.
Sarah Caroline fell asleep by noon and slept until 4:00. When she woke up she started the I'm bored routine. I told her she could go clean her room because it was a disaster. She decided to go to the Nanas house so she could play with our nephew Steven.
Wayne and I decided to go on a date. We went to Sol Y Luna for dinner and to the Barking Kudu to hear a band. The name was Yo Big Fat Momma Booty Band. They weren't bad.
So this sums it up
see ya!!!