WOW!!! It's about the only word that can describe how honored I feel to have been asked to attend the ultrasound of the greatest friends ever.
Yesterday I went to Virginia College with Michele and Aaron for a FREE ultrasound.
I really can't tell you what an honor it was to witness such an intimate and personal moment. Granted they have met Baby Zakeri via ultrasound a couple of times before but its still pretty intimate.
During both of my pregnancys I always loved hearing the heart beat. Hearing it just makes the whole thing real or more real if that's possible.
I can cry at the drop of a hat, sad movies, Maxwell House Coffee, and Hallmark commercials. I warned Michele that I would cry when I heard the heart beat and what do ya know, I did, I tried to hide it but I don't think it worked.
The girl doing the ultrasound took so long that Michele almost passed out from being on her back for almost 30 minutes. I guess what they say about the weight of the baby on the inferior vena cava is true. After some (a lot) of sweating, some gagging, a glass of water and some petting from sweet Aaron she was fine in a jiffy.
I was a nurse for 13 years. It takes a lot to make me nervous unless its someone I know and love. In other words if it's my kids, I freak out. My husband, I freak out. One of my closest friends, you guessed it, I freak out. I almost went into FULL panic mode, I DID NOT LIKE THIS. Thank goodness she felt better quickly!!!
I am so ready for that little man to finish cooking so he can come out and meet all of us. We are so excited.
I will seriously have to hold myself back. I MAY JUST EAT HIM UP!!!!
Thank You Michele and Aaron for making my day!!!